The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!

Rock has invaded our airwaves, and so have the British. Looks like The Beatles were only the beginning of the so-called British Invasion. Have you tuned in your radio lately? The sounds of Elton John, the Rolling, Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, and Pink Floyd flood the airwaves. Not only have these bands been on your radio, they have also brought their acts to a city near you. In the last couple of years, these British rock stars have taken all of their rock star presence to their fans. Most, if not all, of their tours have been critically acclaimed and widely received by the public. Notably, one of the aforementioned bands had a larger than life concert last night. Last night, April 30, 1977, Led Zeppelin held a concert with an estimated record of 76,229 rock lovers in attendance. The concert was held at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan as the end of the first leg of their 11th North American tour.  
The band was hailed as one of the greatest rock bands of our life time since 1971 with their hit single “Stairway to Heaven.” Since then, the band has worked tremendously and against a couple of personal setbacks to bring energy into the studio, and to their performances. The show at the Pontiac Silverdome last night is a testament as to what kind of band Led Zeppelin is. The number of attendants shattered the record The Beatles held previously. Adding yet another divide between the type of British rock in the 1960s and what we hear today.
The road leading up to the Silverdome was full of cars blasting the band’s previous hits in their car radios. It was a sight to behold to see that many music fans all gathered into one place to enjoy the night. Led Zeppelin began the night with the song “The Song Remains the Same,” and ended with “Trampled Underfoot.” Towards the end of the set list they rewarded their loyal fans by having a Jimmy Page solo followed by “Stairway to Heaven.” The audience went even more wild while they listened in to one of the best rock songs to date. Of course, not everything went well as often happens when there is a rock concert. There were those who were left outside of the concert and tried to cause a disturbance, but that is commonplace for a concert of this magnitude. Understandably they did not want to miss the show of a lifetime, and surely enough that is exactly what that concert was.


  1. This is pretty funny to think that so many famous bands here in America came from England. The Beatles were huge, and most likely the biggest band to ever come out of England. I don't really listen to any of these bands, but I can't deny how influential they have been on bands since they came over to America. I can relate to this in some way though. I love punk rock, and so I've listened to a lot of the punk bands that started over in England before America caught on and started our own punk bands. The Sex Pistols and The Clash are two awesome bands that came from England. Do you listen to any bands from England that has helped influence American music?

  2. I am so thankful for the British bringing their music masterpieces to our country, and influencing the next generations of music. Rock is the best genre in my opinion, and these bands set the bar high. The Beatles music is timeless, and it must have been difficult for everyone else to make a name for himself or herself, as it seems they were always in their shadow. I love the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, the Who, and Led Zeppelin as well. I wish I lived during this time to experience these bands play live. Music would definitely not be where it is today with out these music geniuses!

  3. Adriana, first of all the title to your post is awesome and super funny! Second, I had no clue that all those bands/artists were all British, that is insane. It seems as if the ones you stated were among the most popular in the 70's too. I wonder what brought them all out to America, what do you think? It is also incredible the impact that all of these bands had not only on American music, but also of American culture. Edward, I currently do not listen to any bands from England, which punk band do you like best?
