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The 1970’s were a time of social change. A lack of confidence in the government was a conflict that occurred through this decade, as there was corruption and scandal running through our government. There were advances in the civil rights movement for African Americans and women. People began to have ideas of environmentalism, for example Earth day was created. Anti war protests occurred throughout the decade, as citizens wanted an end to the Vietnam War and opposed the development and use of nuclear weapons. The events that happened during this period reflected into the American culture through music, film, and fashion. Music became more radical and less intellectual than the decades leading up to this time. Rock became more dominant and the hippie movement that started in the 1960’s influenced fashion. Technology included the birth of modern computing and the popularity and new development of video games.  The 1970’s were a period of change. It was tied to the social struggles of the sixties, mainly concerning civil rights and the war. People struggled with money during this time, as there was an oil shortage and an economic recession.  These struggles deeply influenced the American culture during this decade, and has made it an unforgettable era.

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